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A New Coalition in the Making.

For the past week a new form has been rising in the region of genesis (

This new entity has now cought the eye of many as it has been rising rapidly! Delta for it's first week open is directly behind Brave newbies for growing alliances in one week (

Growing Alliances (7 days)

Name, Delta

Brave Collective 115

DreddedEvE 103 "this group seems to have everything" going for it but we remain to see what they bring next. so far list grow's on thier alliance corporation's on a daily basis and each corporation seems to be growing at an astounding rate. First interview with this leader! Dredd Trald

Q:what do you provide these new player corporations to make them join you so rapidly? a:"each corp is provided with thier own website, every corp is entitled to do as they like, we have no restrictions on whom they can recruit or cannot, our pvp deployments are optional and we do not mandate what they fly, we have no alliance fee's and we like to maintain a fun environment!

Q: why was the psi division corporation originally all forced to create new characters all named dredd with thier first name? A: we wanted to see which pilot's were completly willing to go the distance we sent them through trial by fire we went through war after war declaration, we sent them to null sec into an alliance that was seemingly doomed to fail and waited to see who would come with us all this way to our own new alliance.. we are now empowering them more then ever! we first gave them 28 skill books of core skills to be directly effective within thier immidiate 2 weeks in game. we then trained them for command roles each one based on thier skill they are now our new found leader's to the new mass of pilot's we are bringing into our entity.

Q: what do you plan to do with this alliance? now listen to this it gets interesting..... A: We plan to create a new coalition, we are reaching out to all our old connections that still play pilot's that go way back from all the old fleet commander's we trained and flew with to all the old corporation's we helped build and to all the nasty mercenary group's that have spawned since the change of hands to cfc and n3 in the last 3 year's.. we plan to create a coalition free of rental's nobody will rent nobody will pay thier hard earned isk to the overlord all will be treated as equal! Q: who is in this coalition so far? A: DreddedEvE as far as our other affiliates I cannot share as of Yet.... Q: Where do you plan to go with this coalition? A: Classified

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